Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Obstetrics And Gynaecology

Obstetrics and Gynaecology, commonly referred to as OB-GYN, is a specialized field of medicine that focuses on providing comprehensive healthcare for women. It encompasses two main areas: obstetrics, which deals with pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum care, and gynaecology, which focuses on the female reproductive system and other women’s health issues.

Obstetrics and Gynaecology Treatment

Prenatal Care

Prenatal care focuses on monitoring the mother's health, promoting the baby's growth and development, and addressing any potential risks or complications. It involves regular medical check-ups, screenings, and guidance provided by healthcare professionals throughout the pregnancy journey.

Labour And Delivery Management

Labour and delivery management refers to the process of overseeing and facilitating a safe and successful childbirth experience for both the mother and the baby. It involves a range of medical interventions, support, and care provided by healthcare professionals during the active labour and delivery stages.

Gynaecological Examinations

Gynaecological examinations are an essential part of women's healthcare that involve the assessment and examination of the female reproductive system. These examinations are typically performed by gynaecologists or other qualified healthcare professionals and serve various purposes, including preventive care, early detection of potential issues, and overall reproductive health management.

Contraception And Family Planning

It plays a crucial role in empowering individuals and couples to make informed choices about their reproductive health and plan for their desired family size. It involves the use of various methods and strategies to prevent unwanted pregnancies and promote responsible parenthood like Barrier Methods, Hormonal Methods, Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives, Emergency Contraception, Permanent Methods.

Menstrual Disorder Management

It involves the evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of various menstrual abnormalities that women may experience. Menstrual disorders can cause significant discomfort, disruption to daily life, and potential health concerns. Effective management aims to alleviate symptoms, restore regular menstrual cycles, and improve overall well-being.

Fertility Evaluation And Treatment

Fertility evaluation and treatment encompass a range of medical interventions designed to assess and address fertility issues in individuals or couples who are struggling to conceive. These services aim to identify the underlying causes of infertility and provide appropriate interventions to enhance the chances of achieving a successful pregnancy.

Treatment For Pelvic Floor Disorders

Treatment for pelvic floor disorders may include physical therapy to strengthen and relax the pelvic floor muscles, and in some cases, medications or surgical interventions may be recommended.

Gynecological Surgeries

Gynecological surgeries encompass procedures such as hysterectomy, oophorectomy, myomectomy, and others to treat conditions related to the female reproductive system, depending on the patient's specific needs and conditions Gynecological surgeries Gynecological surgeries encompass procedures such as hysterectomy, oophorectomy, myomectomy, and others to treat conditions related to the female reproductive system, depending on the patient's specific needs and conditions

Menopause Management

. Menopause management may involve hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to alleviate symptoms like hot flashes, and lifestyle changes such as regular exercise, a balanced diet, and stress reduction techniques to promote overall well-being during this life stage.


India provides the best quality medical care available worldwide. India’s private hospitals enjoy a stellar reputation in terms of having worldclass facilities with most advanced technologies and efficient healthcare personnel. The health care industry in India has experienced a tremendous expansion in recent years. With medical tourism increasing by 30% yearly, the nation is becoming a top destination for health care worldwide. Hygiene in private hospitals is of prime importance, patients who visit for surgery are screened for HIV and HbsAg antibodies to prevent transmission of communicable diseases. Also, incidence of MRSA is minimum in such hospitals. India has modern state-of-the-art technology and has highly skilled medical personnel with high level of surgical expertise evolved from many years of training.

Relieka gives you access to more than 100 hospital units across India for your treatment. Additionally, it provides access to affordable lodging choices, transportation support, language interpretors, tourism, and other necessary needs.


After detailed consultation with numerous physicians, doctors offer their opinion on your medical reports. Relieka, a neutral third party, provides feedback in real time on the quality of a hospital and doctor.


With a panel of more than 100 hospitals, we select the top medical professionals from all around India based on your preferences, requirements, and financial considerations. We provide you with a variety of hospitals and doctors, allowing you to select one of them based on the hospitals and doctor’s profile, while considering treatment cost. We provide an unbeatable cost of treatment after negotiating with hospitals to save money of the patients and sponsoring institutions.

With a team of experienced healthcare professionals, who have worked with a wide number of patients across, understand needs of each and every patient with compassion. We aim to bridge the cultural and linguistic gap with the help of our team and language experts who have experience in handling patients from different nations resulting in the utmost patient satisfaction. We will arrange and facilitate for the patient’s lodging, food, accommodation, local transportation, visa extension (if necessary), fit to fly certificate from a doctor, and whenever in need, help them in every way possible.

You may kindly e-mail us your latest medical reports or case summary on info@reliekahealthcare.com  for us to discuss it with Indian doctors & propose treatment plan along with cost details. 

Yes. We can set up a phone call or video contact with the doctor of your choice in India. If necessary, we may also set up a consultation between your local physician and the Indian expert. This discussion aids in the development of a more effective course of treatment.

Basic travel insurance will cover you for travel related matters, depending on your level of cover, but it will not cover you for surgery. You must check with your own private health insurance provider to find out if they will cover you for any surgery, as the range of cover and claimable circumstances differ depending on your individual cover and needs.

India is the least expensive of the widely visited medical tourism centres in Asia (including Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, etc.) and is more affordable than the western nations. India provides top-notch services at extremely reasonable and value for money prices, along with the assistance of the efficient medical professionals. With specialised clinical management plans from licenced, reputable hospitals and healthcare institutions, our patients can count on us to provide them with best in market cost estimates.

You will be provided meet & greet services at the airport. As scheduled, you will be assisted in travelling to your place of lodging or hospital from the airport. You’ll be registered with the help of our team member, and your investigations (if necessary) will start, if your plan calls for travelling to the hospital first. Your scheduled visit with the doctor and your treatment will start when they are supposed to. You will receive round-the-clock patient assistance to ensure a comfortable stay in the nation.

There are two ways that are available. One way is to make the payment to the hospital after selecting the hospital through online mode and share the soft copy with us. Another way is to make the payment in the duration of your treatment.

Yes. With Relieka, you have freedom to make your own travel and stay arrangements.


We would recommend you to choose us to make your arrangements since we have strong ties with various lodging partners, which will help us to carefully monitor your safety and recovery and make it a hassle-free process. We carefully chose our hotels based on its reputation for customer service, modern amenities, English-speaking personnel, and proximity to the hospitals. Your comfort, safety, and recovery are very important to us, so we have taken great care to make sure that our accommodations satisfy your post-surgical needs. When you book your flights with us, our travel agency will take care of everything and make sure you have the best options and flights available.

You would need a current visa to enter India, which you may obtain from the Indian Embassy in your own country. To obtain a medical visa, a letter outlining the visit’s purpose must be provided by the hospital or the treating physician. Relieka will arrange for a visa invitation letter and will send it to the embassy of your nation once you have decided to travel to India for your treatment. You can email us your passport information once you have made this decision.